Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market6
When Renting in SD, having a Roommate Can Save You $6,768 a Year
- Neighborhoods and News
- October 12, 2016
I have written several blog posts recently about the rising rent prices in San Diego. They are astronomical and it puts a lot of young single folks in a difficult position. All those recent college graduates are struggling to pay rent all alone with an entry-level job. The solution, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune and the personal finance website SmartAsset, is to have a roommate when you’re renting. A new study done by SmartAsset has reported that having a roommate in San Diego can save a renter $6,768 a year. The study ranked the 50 largest cities in the United States in order of where you could save the most by having a roommate and San Diego made seventh on the list. Interestingly, you save the very least in Tucson at only $187.
A SmartAsset Spokeswoman, Asees Singh, said to the San Diego Union-Tribune that “Rental prices are rising at an alarming rate. Depending on where you live, sharing an apartment with a roommate might make a lot of sense, particularly when you’re thinking about short-term financial circumstance.” According to SmartAsset, the average cost in San Diego for a one-bedroom is $1,696 and a two-bedroom is $2,264. Having a roommate seems like a great way to save quite a lot of money on rent. That money would be better suited for student loans probably.
Check out the original article below: