Safe Real Estate Bargains and Investments

This post I read this morning on the website Smart Money about people who are still finding bargains even though they are upgrading to bigger homes.  This way, people who have saved a lot of money and/or avoided financial downfall after the collapse of the housing market are able to upgrade to dream homes at a fraction of their original cost.  However, this type of house buying is not as safe a financial investment in some parts of the country as it is for other.

After taking a look at the interactive map at the middle of this article on Smart Money, I checked out the risk of buying San Diego homes and noticed that houses here like homes in Encinitas and homes in Carlsbad are at a high risk, yet not as bad as a lot of cities in Florida and other parts of the country.

Here’s the link for the article from Smart Money that you should read.  Click on the map to see areas of safe real estate investments and see if your current town or the place you plan on buying a home is safe or not.  Do you feel safe with your investment on your home in San Diego or do you agree with the map and feel like it is a risky investment?

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