Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market7
Communicating With Your Encinitas Realtor
- Real Estate Tips
- Encinitas Homes, encinitas real estate agents, encinitas realtor, encinitas realtors, homes for sale in encinitas
- September 11, 2012
When you are looking for homes for sale in Encinitas it is crucial that you trust your Encinitas Realtor, and trust in your Encinitas Realtor is built through proper communication. Experienced and gifted as we may be at finding the right house for the right family or client, as Encinitas real estate agents we need to know what you expect of your new home and that requires detailed communication.
According to a recent article the National Association of Realtors found that “more than 96 percent of those who recently bought homes said they liked their agent, and 85 percent said they would work with that agent again.” A good real estate agent recognizes that not all clients have the same wants, needs, and expectations as everyone else and sets up processes through which the client can communicate those needs and wants properly.
Providing some tools that you can use to communicate with your Encinitas real estate agent will help you as you look for the Encinitas home that is right for you. Here are some things that you can do to get your point across to your agent:
- Keeping a Digital Notebook – As soon as you begin looking for a new home you can start putting together a digital notebook using an application like Springpad. With this application you can compile pictures you have taken of homes you like, compile images from MLS listings as well as magazine and design websites and make annotations about the images. As soon as you find an agent you can share this digital notebook with them to give them an idea of what you are looking.
- Ask Your Agent to Show You What They Believe to Be Your Ideal Home, Regardless of Price – Sometimes you may feel that your agent is not listening to your wants, when in actuality your wants may be beyond your budget. If you feel that you and your agent are not communicating properly, ask him or her to show you what they perceive to be your ideal home, irrespective of price. You may find that it is your budget that is restricting you, not your agent, and this may help you increase your budget if possible or become more aware of what you can get on your budget.
- Use a Feedback Sheet – While you are working with your agent a great tool to make sure that you are both on the same page is a feedback sheet. Provide your agent with written feedback on each listing that you view, so that together you can weigh the benefits of each property as well as the disadvantages that may be a complete deal-breaker.
Choosing an Encinitas Realtor that you know is highly experienced and customer-oriented will allow you to find the best home for you. Contact one of the leading Encinitas Realtors today to assist you in finding your ideal Encinitas home.