Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market10
How Should You React to This Sign? (Hint: Run)
- Linda Moore, Real Estate Tips
- Coldwell banker Encinitas, Encinitas Home, encinitas home for sale, Encinitas Homes, encinitas homes for sale, Encinitas House, Encinitas Houses, encinitas real estate, Encinitas real estate agent, encinitas realtor, homes for sale in encinitas, Linda Moore, real estate tips
- May 12, 2015
Practically every neighborhood in the U.S. features at least a few “Cash for Houses” signs, or similarly worded posters on telephone poles and elsewhere. (See photo above).
The target market for such advertising consists of homeowners who want out of a mortgage that they still owe money on. For whatever reason, usually a poorly thought out one, sellers call the phone number on the sign and get cash for their homes within a few days. Sadly, sellers typically get only about 65 percent of the market value of their homes in these transactions. A recent article in Bankrate took these buyers to task for bilking desperate sellers and giving a bad name to the real estate market in general.
Why you should avoid these buyers
- You will get around 65 percent of your home’s value in the transaction, maybe less.
- They’ll pitch you a lowball offer that might be just enough to pay off what you owe on your mortgage.
- Cash-for-houses buyers rely on sellers’ desperation. Yes, you will get cash rather quickly, but by waiting just a bit longer, and using a Realtor, you can get a much better price.
- Many of these buyers charge astronomical fees for “application processing,” and the like.
- In almost every case, sellers can get thousands, even tens of thousands, more dollars by teaming up with a licensed Realtor and doing things the right way.
If you want to sell your home, do it the right way. Hire a professional Realtor who can guide you through the process and get the best price. Even in a difficult market, you can still get close to the market value in a fair transaction. Avoid the snake-oil purveyors who offer you a quick buck. The “Cash for Houses” folks are a mistake waiting to happen. Do the right thing and call a Realtor if you want to sell your home.