Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market10
Tips for Sellers on Creating the Perfect Open House
- Linda Moore, Real Estate Tips
- encinitas home buying tips, Encinitas home selling tips, Linda Moore, linda moore blog, Linda Moore Real Estate, Linda Moore with Coldwell Banker, open house, tips on putting on the best open house
- June 29, 2015
An open house is the perfect opportunity to let the public see how beautiful the home you are looking to sell is. Potential buyers come and mingle while looking at the property. Today, I’d like to give some tips on creating the perfect open house when looking to sell your home.
Promote on Apps
There’s an app for nearly everything. The Internet is filled with sites that have friendly mobile apps where your real estate agent can advertise your open house. Sites like Zillow, Trulia and Realtor are places to consider listing. This way, they can be pushed through search engines like Google and Yahoo, which is where most prospective buyers begin their search for a new home.
Create a Neutral Space
Our homes are filled with things that reflect our beliefs and opinions. That’s not always a good thing, especially when you are looking to sell to other people who may not share those same beliefs and opinions. Try to eliminate elements that may be deemed controversial like any taxidermy animals, religious items or guns, as these may put off some of the guests. Try creating a neutral space that is void of potentially offensive messages.
Think About the Security of your Belongings
When you are showing an open house, you are allowing groups of strangers enter your home. You will want to consider the security of your belongings. Have an open door policy, where no one will be alone. Try to secure any valuable possessions in a safe place. Consider moving any medication that may be stored in your bathroom. Most of all, at check-in have a sign in list and see photo ID, this will help you know who visited so there is some transparency.
Don’t be There, Let your Agent do the Work
If you have enlisted the help of a real estate agent, you don’t really have to be at the open house. Make sure everything looks right prior, possibly consider some staging to open up the space, and then let your real estate agent take over. They are the professionals who know how to sell your home. Plus, buyers want to experience what this space will be like for them which means you might not want to be in it. Hanging around your open house can set an uncomfortable environment as future buyers may feel as though they are being watched.
Selling your home is an exciting period in both your life and the lives of the future buyers. It marks a fresh start for each party. Creating an open house can help speed up this process. By utilizing these tips, you can better set up your open house. If you are looking to sell your home in greater Encinitas California, contact me. I’d be happy to help you along this wonderful process.
Linda Moore