What to Compromise on During the Home Search

Searching for the right home can be tough! In today’s market, low inventory can make the search even more difficult. One way to narrow down your search and keep the process easy is to create a list of wants, needs, and compromises.

Your wants will be things that would be nice, but you can live without if the home does not have it. Needs are essential to your home and you can’t choose a home without them. Compromises are perceived flaws of the home that you can live with or without.

Compromises can often look like a closet space that is smaller than you would like, less garage space for your vehicles, or even less storage space. Every individual will have different needs and wants, so the compromises can look different as well. 

It is important to prioritize your needs during the home search, but also identify what you can compromise on! Make a list of what is important to you and go from there. Your needs could be things like a shorter commute time, the number of bedrooms, or even the local school districts. With your list, you can then make up a new list of wants and compromises. This can make the home search easier! 

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