Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market10
4 Tips to Get to Know Your New Encinitas Neighborhood
- Real Estate Tips
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- September 3, 2014
You’ve just moved into your new home in Encinitas, and you love it. But, something seems to be missing: you haven’t gotten to know your new neighborhood yet. Learning the ins and outs of the neighborhood and meeting new neighbors is very rewarding for new homeowners.
If you recently purchased a home in Encinitas, or you simply feel detached from your current neighborhood, here are 4 useful tips to get to know your neighborhood.
1. Say Hello
The best way to start getting to know your neighborhood is saying hello to neighbors. If you don’t want to go knock on their door, look for potential conversations with neighbors while sitting outside, walking through the neighborhood, or getting your mail. It’s likely during one of these situations you will see a new neighbor, and can strike up a conversation.
2. Have an “Open House”
Invite neighbors over for punch and cookies, or cocktails and appetizers. Let your neighbors know you just moved into your home in Encinitas and are new to the neighborhood. Ask how they like living in the neighborhood, and what are some local destinations to visit.
3. Join a Local Group
Check online or in the local newspaper for local organizations you might be interested in joining. This is a great way to not only meet new people, but get involved with projects and groups that directly affect your neighborhood. Churches, local nonprofits, community service groups, or a community center class are a great place to start.
4. Visit Local Places and Attend Local Events
To better get to know your neighborhood, attend local gatherings and visit local shops or restaurants. Sign up for local E-Newsletters to receive updates on events that are happening near your home in Encinitas. Perhaps attend a school sporting event, try local restaurants, visit local museums, and shop at local stores. There will certainly be people from your neighborhood at these places, and a great opportunity to meet your neighbors.
Enlist Linda Moore as your realtor to find a home in Encinitas, and I will help you adapt to your new neighborhood. As your number 1 real estate agent in Encinitas, I am a great resource to discover more about a neighborhood you’re looking to buy a home in.