Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market6
Getting the Most Out of Homes For Sale in Carlsbad
- Real Estate Tips
- carlsbad realtor, fixer-upper in Carlsbad, home in carlsbad, Homes for Sale in Carlsbad, Linda Moore
- October 16, 2013
Learn how you can get the most out of buying a fixer-upper home for sale in Carlsbad with Carlsbad Realtor Linda Moore.
Carlsbad homes are located in San Diego’s North County region of southern California, and has some of the most stunning views and amazing amenities that a suburban area has to offer as well as award-winning school districts and an extensive number of restaurants and theaters. Many people are looking for homes for sale in Carlsbad, and Linda Moore is a Carlsbad Realtor who is ready to help buyers find their dream home.
Some people buy a home in Carlsbad that is well within their price range so that they can fix up the home to resell or make the home their dream home. However, buying a fixer-upper does not mean you just need a fresh coat of paint then suddenly the home is good is new. Some homes are easier than others to fix up so you can either resell them or to live in permanently having pride in the fact that you rebuilt it from the ground up, but know that when you do buy a fixer-upper, it can be both a time and money consuming project.
Things to Know When Buying a Fixer-Upper
A good rule of thumb when buying a fixer-upper is that you have a logical estimate on how much repairs are going to cost. Also, after the repairs and renovations are done, the home’s value should result in more than the repairs. Here are a few tips you should know about fixer-uppers:
Find the Right Home For You
When you are in search of a home, make sure you have each potential house professionally inspected so you know exactly what kind of repairs and renovations the home needs. Get cost estimates on everything that is required along with your own personal preferences and make sure that they will more than pay for themselves in increased property value.
Some common things to watch for when buying a fixer-upper is the roof of the home, if there is an open subfloor, any exposed wiring, if there is any dry rot, or pest damage. You should also consider when the home was built, and if it needs an overhaul in appliances, interior, and exterior.
Get the Right People to Fix Up Your Fixer Upper
Many repairs and renovations can be very labor intensive, and you should make sure that they are taken care of properly. You can take it upon yourself to do the labor yourself or you could hire a contractor. Quality work is key to raising your potential property value so unless you are confident in your own handy-work; get a professional to do the job so the job is done right.
For more details on fixer-uppers check out this article by HGTV FrontDoor on “What to Know About Fixer-Uppers” and this article from Realtor.com “What You Should Know About Buying a Fixer-Upper.”
Carlsbad Realtor Linda Moore can help you through the process of buying a fixer-upper in Carlsbad. She has over 22 years of experience as a Realtor and knows what to look for when buying a fixer-upper.