Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market10
Tips for Living Alone for the First Time in Encinitas
- Real Estate Tips
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- June 3, 2014
With graduation season behind us, many college graduates are entering the workforce and planning to move out and live on their own. It’s an exciting time, but it can also be stressful and a bit scary. If you’re planning to live alone for the first time, there are a few important tips to keep in mind to get the most out of the experience.
Plan a Budget
The hardest part for many people who live alone for the first time is managing their expenses. When you live on your own, all of the monthly household expenses fall on your shoulders. This can be overwhelming, especially if you aren’t used to paying your own bills. Before you even move to your new place in Encinitas, you should establish a firm budget and stick to it.
There are many helpful computer programs and smartphone apps that will help you manage your budget, and give you a useful visualization of how your money is being spent. These programs will help you stay on track with your budget, and give you valuable peace of mind.
Secure Your New Home
Living alone for the first time can be a bit scary for some people. You’re living in an unfamiliar place, and there are new sights and sounds to get used to. Feeling secure in your new home is incredibly important, and should be a priority when looking for your first place to live. Look for features like a gated complex, exterior security doors, secure deadbolts, and alarm systems.
Make a list of important phone numbers to call, including the local police station’s non-emergency line and services like locksmiths. If you live in an apartment complex, make sure you have contact information for the main office or superintendent as well
Stick to a Scheduled Routine
One of the best parts of living alone for the first time is the freedom you have. This can also be one of the biggest drawbacks. With no one to tell you to clean up or keep you on a schedule, these responsibilities fall to you to manage. The best thing you can do to keep up on the chores that need doing around your new home is to make a schedule of everything that needs to be done, and stick to it. Decide when you want to do laundry, clean, go grocery shopping, and other tasks, and make sure you follow through with it.
Get to Know your Neighbors
Living on your own for the first time can give you some much-needed alone time, but it’s a good idea to get to know some of your new neighbors. Getting familiar with other people in your building or neighborhood can help make your new place feel more like home, and you could even make some new friends.