Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market6
4 Things that Might not add Value to your Property Value
- Linda Moore, Real Estate Tips
- Encinitas Homes, encinitas real estate, encinitas realtor Linda Moore, home buying or selling process, Linda Moore, linda moore blog, Linda Moore Real Estate, linda moore realtor, linda sells moore, Real Estate Agent Linda Moore Coldwell Banker Encinitas California
- May 21, 2015
When considering selling a home, people often start to think about what will increase the overall value. However, things that you may have thought would boost value, might not give you the return you expected. Today, let’s look at some things that may not add as much value to your property as you expected.
Elaborate Gardens and Landscaping
Gardens and heavily landscaped yards are aesthetically pleasing, but they also require lots of work and labor to maintain. If the new buyer isn’t willing to take the time to tend to a garden, or if they aren’t willing to invest money to hire professionals, elaborate landscapes and gardens become less desirable. When left unattended that grass, flowers and plants will grow out of control. This will ultimately make the property look bad. Consider those factors prior to putting in the effort for elaborately landscaped yards and lofty gardens.
Wall to Wall Carpeting
Some carpeting can be appealing if it is new. That said, if it’s throughout the entire house, many people will find this less desirable. That’s because carpet is flawed. It can collect dust, dander and possibly stain. Many people when looking for new homes may opt for wood or tiled floors. These are easier to maintain, and often don’t risk the possibility to stain. Before you call a carpeting company to install wall to wall carpeting throughout the entire home, really think about the long term.
Swimming Pools
In the California heat, pools seem like a refreshing way to cool off. That’s not always the case to prospective buyers. Pools require maintenance. That includes cleaning as well as treating them with chemicals on a regular basis. Additionally, they must be closed and opened for the season.
Parents with small children might be uncomfortable having a pool because the risk it brings. If left unattended, a child may fall in and could possibly drown. The same goes with neighbors or guest. A pool becomes a liability to the homeowner. Rethink about investing in a pool if you are intending to sell in the long run.
If you are thinking of selling a home and planning on renovations, be sure not to overshoot your expected return. Renovations can add value to your home, but if you put in enough to overshoot the houses around your neighborhood, you house may become less desirable to buy. When adding to your home, consider the market around you. You don’t want to invest money that you are unable to make a return on.