11 Reasons Why a Real Estate Agent Would Make a Great President

There has been a lot of tension the last few days surrounding the election and the result and I thought we could all use a pick me up. I found a great article on why a common everyday real estate agent would make a great president!

Look at the article here:


Here are the 11 reasons why:

  1. Real estate agents are great at public speaking
  2. A real estate agent would reduce the national debt
  3. Real estate agents are always accessible
  4. Real estate agents are decisive
  5. Real estate agents don’t give false promises
  6. Real estate agents have no “quit” in them
  7. No tax money needed for an interior designer for the white house
  8. Real estate agents are master negotiators
  9. Transparent communication is second nature to a real estate agent
  10. No one is a better listener than a real estate agent
  11. Real estate agents thrive on helping others live the American Dream by becoming homeowners

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