Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market6
5 Simple Ways to Pet Proof Your New Home in Encinitas
- Linda Moore, Real Estate Tips
- Encinitas Homes, encinitas real estate, new home, pets, safety
- April 24, 2014
While moving into your new home in Encinitas can be an exciting time, sometimes the transition can be difficult for pets to deal with. To help make the process a bit easier, I have put together a list of 5 simple ways to protect your pet in your new home in Encinitas (and protect your new home in Encinitas from your pet!)

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1. Seal up Dangerous Household Products
With all of the cleaning and rearranging that comes with moving, your pets run the risk of coming into contact with dangerous and potentially toxic chemicals they might otherwise not be exposed to. Sealing these household cleaners in sturdy plastic totes ensures an extra level of protection for your pets.
2. Treat Your Pets Like Children
A new home means new places for your curious pets to explore, and cupboards and cabinets are like magnets for mischievous animals. Child-proof cabinet latches can be purchased at most home and hardware stores, and can prevent your pets from getting into something they shouldn’t.
3. Be Prepared for Accidents
Transitioning into a new home may be difficult for some pets. New smells and surroundings could disrupt what they are used to, leading to some accidents. Enzyme cleaner, which can be found at any pet supply store, is handy to have around in case your pet gets sick on new carpeting or furniture.
4. Know Your Plants
A plant can be the perfect finishing touch to a new home, but it’s important to remember that certain types of plants may be toxic to your pets. The ASPCA has a helpful illustrated guide on which plants are safe and unsafe for your pets.
5. See Things From Your Pet’s Point-of-View
While crawling around on all fours may seem silly, getting down on your pets level and inspecting your new home could be the perfect way to prevent potentially dangerous situations before they occur. You may be able to spot things like dangling cords, misplaced items, and even tiny crevices you may have otherwise missed!