Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market10
Things to Avoid Doing when Selling your Encinitas Home
- Real Estate Tips
- Coldwell banker Encinitas, Encinitas Home, Encinitas Homes, encinitas homes for sale, Encinitas House, Encinitas Houses, encinitas real estate, encinitas realtor, homes in encinitas, Linda Moore, Real Estate, real estate tips, realtor in Encinitas
- June 20, 2014
As intricate and complicated as the real estate market is, there are people who think selling their home is as simple as putting a “for sale” sign in their yard. Many people who sell their home make basic mistakes that could result in their home staying on the market far longer than it should. I’ve put together a list of things to avoid doing when trying to sell your Encinitas home.
Don’t Ask for too Much Money
A house that’s listed for more money than it’s worth is one of the biggest reasons you home won’t sell quickly. Even putting your home on the market at around what you paid for it can be a mistake at times, because houses can depreciate in value. Your realtor can help you come up with a reasonable asking price for your home, because we have an eye on the current market.
Don’t Neglect Repairs
You may not think that a few loose floorboards or broken cabinet handles are a big deal, but potential buyers may disagree. When prospective buyers notice things that are broken or improperly maintained, they start to wonder about what’s wrong with the house that they can’t see. Making sure to fix up even the smallest repairs can help you sell your home.
Don’t get Rattled by a Lowball Offer
One of the biggest mistake first-time sellers make is getting offended by a low offer, and ending the negotiations. Don’t let a low offer rattle you, causing you to blow off the potential buyer. Selling a home is a process, and negotiating is a big part of the game. Besides, you can’t blame them for wanting to get a good deal!
Don’t get Emotionally Attached
This is another big mistake many sellers make. You’ve spent years making your home into your ideal living space. Now change it! You want the home to look as neutral as possible, so potential buyers can envision themselves living there. Your salmon-colored bedroom or personal gym garage may be perfect for you, but could be an eyesore for buyers. Let go of the things you love about your house, and make the space something that most people could love.
Don’t go it Alone
If you’ve never sold a home before, it’s strongly advised not to try selling your home as “For Sale by Owner.” Selling a home is a complicated and time-consuming process, and no one will know the market like an experienced realtor. We can help you navigate the treacherous jungle of the real estate market, and get you through to the other side of your sale.