Lot Size14,375 sqft
Home Size2,816 sqft
Beds5 Beds
Baths5 Baths
Year Built1998
Days on Market10
Use Staging To Sell Your Encinitas Home Fast
- Real Estate Tips
- Encinitas Home, Encinitas Homes, real estate tip, real estate tips, staging
- June 1, 2011
There are generally two types of Encinitas home sellers when it comes to real estate. The first is the one who completely ignores what their house looks like- they leave everything as it is and hope it sells. It doesn’t matter to them if their furniture is oversized and mismatched and there are children’s toys lying everywhere, so why should it matter to potential buyers? Well the truth is, it matters a lot. If your house is exactly as you use it when a buyer comes, all they can see is YOU living there. You want them to see THEMSELVES living there. It turns them off to your house subconsciously, and makes the rooms seem smaller and the house seem like it’s more work.
The other type of buyer takes everything out of the house, leaving it completely empty. They might do this because they want it to look bigger, or they might have already moved and need their furniture at their new home. Either way, potential buyers see the house as cold and have a hard time envisioning anyone living there.
The solution? Staging! Clean every room thoroughly, and then remove all personal things like pictures and anything on the fridge. Remove any furniture that isn’t necessary so that it doesn’t overcrowd the room. Lastly make sure every room in your Encinitas home is painted a neutral color. You may love your bright red walls, but a buyer won’t.
Following these tips in your Encinitas home, you can make each potential buyer feel comfortable, making them more inclined to make a deal. That means a faster sale, and more money for you.